Academics at Western Baptist Bible College
Western Baptist Bible College Academics
2525 E. 27th Street Kansas City, Missouri (816) 842-4195
Deacon Thad Jones
Dr. Sandra Jones
Academic Dean
Certificate Programs
The certificate ministry is designed primarily to assist students who are not interested in pursuing an academic degree but wish to have a similar discipline in Bible training. The certificate ministry provides an opportunity to develop skills in general studies and gives an excellent opportunity for persons who wish to become better teachers and stronger leaders in their local church.
The ministry provides for fifteen hours of concentrated studies, and they are not transferable to the degree program. The certificate ministry provides for limited academic responsibility. Our intent is to provide for area students who are looking for academic achievement as much in-depth study in this ministry as possible. The certificate ministry fee is $60.00 per course.
Certificates can be issued in the following fields; Bible Interpretation, Christian Education, Church History, Church Administration, Philosophy, Evangelism, Missions, and Music. Classes are held on an as-need-basis depending on the number of students registered. Days and times for classes can be arranged according to the student's schedules.
The Certificate Program also includes where students may sit in and audit or observe degreed classes and not be required to take tests and perform lab work.
After completion of the course, certificates will be awarded at the graduation ceremony.

Requirements for Graduation
1. Satisfactory completion of a minimum of 120 semester credit hours and the hours properly
2. The prescribed Departmental and major requirements must be fulfilled, including approved electives, with an average of not less than "C" in the total program of studies or a grade point.
3. All transfer students must spend at least their senior year in residence study at Western and must earn a minimum of 32 semester hours at Western to qualify for a degree from Western.
4. The student must show evidence of high Christian character and soundness in the faith and satisfactorily meet the practical Christian work requirements.
5. The student must show evidence of sincere devotion and zeal for Christian service, and
6. All financial obligations to the college must be met before graduation.
The satisfactory completion of prescribed courses with the proper number of credit hours and grade points does not guarantee graduation. The student must exemplify the worthiness of graduation from Western Baptist College in all of his traits as well as prove his merit in his chosen academic field. The Faculty, Administration, or Trustee Board reserves the right to deny graduation to any student whose traits, attitude, character, testimony and/or academic achievement are contrary to the regulations and standards of Western Baptist Bible College.
Academic Catalog (PDF)
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