Certificate Programs at Western Baptist Bible College
Certificate Programs
The certificate ministry is designed primarily to assist students who are not interested in pursuing an academic degree but wish to have a similar discipline in Bible training. The certificate ministry provides an opportunity to develop skills in general studies and gives an excellent opportunity for persons who wish to become better teachers and stronger leaders in their local church.
The ministry provides for fifteen hours of concentrated studies, and they are not transferable to the degree program. The certificate ministry provides for limited academic responsibility on the part of a student.
Our intent is to provide for area students who are looking for academic achievement as much in-depth study in this ministry as possible.
Certificates can be issued in the following fields; Bible Interpretation, Christian Education, Church History, Church Administration, Philosophy, Evangelism, Missions, and Music. Classes are held on an as-need-basis depending on the number of students registered. Days and times for classes can be arranged according to the student's schedules.
After completion of the course, certificates will be awarded at the graduation ceremony.
Genealogy; Introduction to Family History Research
Dancing With a Purpose
Missions and Mothers