Lectureship Series

The Western Baptist Bible College lectureship series is began in 2004. There are three lectures in the school year to invite noted scholars, theologians, and noted pastors to share with the student body and community from their experiences on Missions, Christian Education and Evangelism.

Carolyn Ealy Lecture (Missions) October The Carolyn Ealy lectureship series is named in the honor and memory of Dr. Carolyn Ealy. She was a member of the Pleasant Green Baptist Church in Kansas City, Missouri. She was a loyal, committed and devoted advocate for Western Baptist Bible College. She was a missionary and worked in the mission fields and for mission causes throughout the United State and beyond. She was an instructor at Western. This lecture has a theme and emphasis on missions.

John W. Williams Lecture (Christian Education) February

The John W. Williams lectureship series is named in the honor and memory Dr. John W. Williams. He was the longtime pastor of the St. Stephens Baptist Church. He was a highly acclaimed clergyman, evangelist and sought-after speaker throughout the United States. He was an instructor at Western. This lecture has a theme and emphasis on Christian education.

I. H. Henderson Sr. & Jr. Lecture (Evangelism) April

The I.H. Henderson Sr. & Jr. lectureship series is named in the honor and memory of the dad and son combination Dr. I. H. Henderson, Sr. and Dr. I. H. Henderson, Jr. Henderson, Sr. was the longtime pastor of the Eighth Street Baptist Church of Kansas City, Kansas and Henderson, Jr. was the longtime pastor of the Friendship Baptist Church, Kansas City, Missouri. Henderson, Jr. also served as president of the Missionary Baptist State Convention of Missouri. Both were supporters of Western. This lecture has a theme and emphasis on evangelism.

These three lectures were named and titled by Dr. Robert L. Baynham, dean of academics in 2003 prior to their introduction to the school and public.