Western Baptist Bible College Admissions 2119 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, MO 64108 "*" indicates required fields Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Name Last First Middle Address Street or Box City State Zip Code Phone NumberHomeCellWorkE-Mail* Birth Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Employment* Address* List High School, Colleges, Universities, Graduate Schools (Seminars and Others) AttendedInstitutionDates attendedDate GraduatedDegree Add RemoveUntitled Application for Non-Degree Certificate Program Undergraduate Degree Program for Which You Are Applying at Western Baptist Bible College: Associate Program Bachelor Program Degree Area of Interest for Which You Are Applying at Western Baptist Bible College: Biblical Interpretation Biblical Studies Christian Counseling Christian Education Christian Theology Christian Worship/Music Education Church Administration Church History Evangelism/Missions Pastoral Theology/Care Philosophy/Ethics Graduate Degree Program for Which You Are Applying at Western Baptist Bible College: Master-Christian Counseling Master-Christian Education Masters-Christian Theology Master-Religious Studies Master-Pastoral Theology Master of Divinity Doctor of Ministry References (3)NamePositionAddress City State & Zip CodePhone Add RemoveNote: Applicants seeking admission must submit official transcripts from the Institutions listed above to Western Baptist Bible College, 2119 Tracy, KC, MO 64108. Effective August 2017 a non-refundable application fee of TWENTY-FIVE ($25.00) is required with each application. Please make check payable to Western Baptist Bible College and include it with the Application for Admissions form. Applicant’s SignatureDate MM slash DD slash YYYY EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.